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Heb3270 f
Heb3270 for MacTCP
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Text File
94 lines
# Example host file for NCSA Telnet 2.3
# Note: When running the MacTCP drivers, the following fields are meaningless,
# but may be included for compatibility with systems which do not have MacTCP:
# hardware,gateway,arptime,rwin,mtu,maxseg,retrans,zone
# "funny, this configuration file is readable ..."
# This file is free form
# Separators are any char <33 and :;=
# The form is keyword=value for each parameter.
# The first set of parameters refer to the whole program's defaults.
# These parameter values can be in any order.
# Following this are the individual machine specs.
# If the first machine is name "default", then it contains default
# values for the rest of the machines.
hardware=AppleTalk # Network connection type:
# values are: AppleTalk, Ether
# Ether<n>, EtherSE, EtherSC
#zone="Zone" # Which zone is the gateway in? (AT only)
ftp=no # do you want ftp enabled?
#domain="ncsa.uiuc.edu" # default domain for name lookups
termtype="vt100" # terminal type to advertise (safe bet)
arptime=5 # arp timeout in seconds
# affects machines on your local network
block = 200 # screen blocking factor, range: [100 to 4000]
#passfile="ftppass" # name of file to find FTP passwords in (System Folder)
commandkeys=yes # Yes, I want command keys as default
# Following are individual machine specifications
# The machine named "default" contains the fields which are automatically
# filled in for other hosts. name=default machine should appear first.
name = default # Session name, "default" is a reserved name
# Not a real machine, default parameters only
#host=sri-nic.arpa # Actual host name of machine, not session name
#hostip= # IP address of host, example is for SRI-NIC
#gateway=1 # This machine is a gateway for me
#nameserver=1 # This machine has a DOMAIN name server for me
scrollback=200 # number of lines of scrollback per session
erase=delete # use delete code or backspace code for <- key?
# legal values are "delete" and "backspace"
vtwrap=yes # should VT100 be in wrap mode or not?
vtwidth=80 # 80 or 132 columns on startup of session
#vtlines=24 # number of lines, 24 is standard VT102
#port=23 # choose the TCP port for telnet (std = 23)
nfcolor="{0,0,0}" # normal, foreground (Mac II)
nbcolor="{65535,65535,65535}" # normal, background (Mac II)
bfcolor="{0,0,0}" # blink, foreground (Mac II)
bbcolor="{65535,65535,65535}" # blink, background (Mac II)
#font="Courier" # font and size, default is Monaco 9
#crmap=4.3BSDCRNUL # map of the CR key for compatibility
#duplex=half # modifier for non-echo mode, forces send
clearsave=yes # save lines on clear screen yes/no
# The following entries affect the tuning of TCP connections to this host.
# They should be set by the network administrator who is familiar with
# the requirements of your specific network.
contime=20 # timeout in seconds to try connection
retrans=30 # starting retransmit time out in ticks
# 1/60ths of sec
mtu=512 # maximum transmit unit in bytes
# AppleTalk MAX = 512, Ethernet Max=1024
maxseg=512 # largest segment we can receive
# AppleTalk MAX = 512, Ethernet Max=1536
rwin=512 # TCP window size, MAX=4096
# Below this line, most of the communication parameters are obtained
# from the "default" host entry.
# Machine names, IP addresses, and special communication parameters are
# present when needed.
#name=mynameserver ; hostip= ; nameserver=1
#name=mygateway ; hostip= ; gateway=1
#name=ncsaa ; hostip=
#name=ncsab ; hostip=
#name=ncsad ; hostip=
name=wisipc ; hostip= ; nameserver=1
name=kalanit ; hostip= ; nameserver=2
name=weizmann ; hostip= ; nameserver=3
name=wicc-mac-gw ; hostip= ; gateway=1
name=wiswic ; hostip=
name=wislib ; hostip=
name=wiscon ; hostip=